sing along and learn
You would like to sing along to your favourite German songs?
You can do that easy with our help! It's the perfect way to
You can do that easy with our help! It's the perfect way to
practice German in a fun way.
- Learn German expressions as you listen!
- View German translations of any song!
- Grow your vocabulary by comparing translations!
You can also search directly on Youtube, Google, or other search engines for lyrics and their translations!
Just enter the following in the search bar:
Just enter the following in the search bar:
- for lyrics: Song title + Artist + "lyrics".
- for translations: Song title + Artist + "translation". - German Lyrics with English Translations
On this site you can search for German songs and read the English translation next to the original lyrics. A link to a YouTube video of the song is often - Any Song in German!
View German translations of your favourite songs and improve your language skills! Search for your favourite songs and click on the German flag to see the translated version.Step into German - German Songs With Lyrics and Info
On this page you will find a selection of German songs with music videos, lyrics, and information about the artist or band. This is a great way to get to know the German music scene and improve your language skills!Lyricstraining - Fill-in-the-blank Lyrics
An excellent site for practicing your listening comprehension! Listen to German songs and check which words and sentences you understand! You get direct feedback and can continue listening to the song.